Capitol View Park is among the growing number of local neighborhoods where residents are using mosquito traps as a safe, easy, and economical way to reduce mosquitoes without pesticides. Our community-driven program – like those in University Park, Shepherd Park, Woodside, North Woodside, Sligo Park Hills, and Takoma Park – primarily targets Asian tiger mosquitoes, an invasive species known for aggressive daytime biting, and employs methods backed by scientific research. The Capitol View Park Citizens Association’s mosquito control initiative is now in its fourth year, with more than 50 households participating.
We offer free Replacement Supplies and At-Home Assistance for Participants!
How it works
Residents purchase equipment online from Biogents, a small company that specializes in mosquito traps. Two types of complementary traps are most commonly used: 1) BG-GAT Traps, which attract and capture female tiger mosquitoes when they go to lay eggs, and 2) the BG Mosquitaire Trap, which attracts and captures female tiger mosquitoes when they are seeking someone to bite for a blood meal. CVPCA promoted the use of BG-GAT Traps during the first year of the program and now, based on the experience of neighboring communities, is also recommending use of the BG Mosquitaire. For most yards, a set of two BG-GAT Traps and one BG Mosquitaire are sufficient and can be purchased as a bundle.
"Our first year, we used BG-GAT mosquito traps in our yard and saw a big reduction in mosquitoes,” said CVP resident Cathy Robertson. “It helps that our neighbors are using the traps and getting rid of standing water as well. We've now supplemented our efforts by adding a BG-Mosquitaire trap to our yard, and I am happily tending to the traps for two neighbors. The more of us who participate, the fewer mosquitoes!”
​While we cannot eliminate mosquitoes, we can greatly reduce their numbers through proper use of these traps.
​Both traps can be used year after year. The BG-GAT Trap only requires replacement sticky paper and the BG-Mosquitaire only requires replacement scent packets, both of which should be changed once per month. And great news: the CVPCA is supplying these for free to program participants while supplies last! Just contact
Standing Water Removal is Critical
Regardless whether a resident uses traps, experts say that the most critical part of mosquito control is eliminating mosquito breeding sites on your property. This means getting rid of standing water by cleaning gutters and, at least once per week, dumping stagnant water where it collects – such as on children’s toys, tarps, flowerpot saucers, and outdoor furniture. Other spots require a different approach – for example, corrugated downspout extenders are notorious for trapping water, so experts recommend capping the end with a nylon stocking.
While seemingly simple, water removal can be tricky: a mosquito needs only a capful of water to breed. What’s more, a single female tiger mosquito lays between 40 – 150 eggs at a time! This is why it’s not only vital to remove standing water but also important to set traps up outside as early as possible during mosquito season, which begins roughly May 1, given that the mosquito population grows exponentially. That's why even catching a handful of mosquitoes early in the season can make a difference.
Buddy Program
We have a buddy system to include everyone in mosquito control. We’re looking for volunteers — both those who don’t have time to maintain traps but want to try the program, and their “buddies” who will volunteer to do the work.​
This is perfect for someone who wants fewer mosquitoes but doesn’t have time to deal with it. Just supply the two small GAT Traps and let a buddy do the work!
Reduce mosquitoes
No dangerous pesticides
Support your community
Just sit back and enjoy the outdoors
Help your community by maintaining the GAT Traps in a neighbor’s yard!
Visit twice a month to maintain the traps, which takes about five minutes per trap.
We will train you, and you will quickly get the hang of it.
The CVPCA supplies the sticky cards and Mosquito Dunks.
A small investment of your time will make a big difference to our community!
To volunteer your yard or your time, or for questions: email